Benchin’ Bro

Power went out on the entire side of town by the gym, so no evening class like I had planned. Headed out to the garage around 5:30


  • Crossover Symmetry Activation
  • Bench Press
    • 10×45#
    • 5×95#


  • 100 Bench Press (135#)

Saw this on Instagram the other day and figured it would be fun to try, just wasn’t expecting to do it so soon.

As recommended I started out doing 5 reps every 30 seconds. In the beginning it was consistently like a reverse tabata but then it started to get hard around 50 reps and I could feel myself slowing down. I was getting closer and closer to 15 seconds of work. I made it to 85 reps with the sets of 5 and decided to try and push a little to see if I could get ahead of the E30S pace. So I switched to sets of 3 with shorter rests. Wasn’t easy, but got those 5 sets in to finish at 9:37 on the clock.



6 Sets

  • 10 Pendlay Rows (95#, supinated grip)
  • 10 Back Extensions (30#)

Chest and back bro!


Through the 17 weeks of Rowing WOD I was staying away from the Ski Erg. Time to hop back on.

E3M 15:00

  • 300m Ski Erg

Just what the doctor ordered. Times were 59.2, 58.4, 58.8, 59.7, and 59.0. The Fitbit says my heart rate only got up to 131. haha Yeah right! I’ll have to try wearing it higher on my wrist.