Hilton Bike

Something occurred to me last night after seeing someone’s results for a rowing workout. So I went and looked at my stroke rate for my 5k PR and the average was 22. Compare that to my 30 from yesterday. Are my legs that much weaker since I can’t squat or deadlift heavy like I used to? Maybe I need to try a different drag factor on my rower. I was using 133 during a rowing program in 2015 and I want to say I’ve been around 125 lately. Or has my technique gone to shit? Definitely something to investigate when I get home next week.

Year of the Engine – Rocket Race

10 Rounds

  • 45s Stationary Bike
  • 1:30 Rest

Got up early and jumped on a bike in the hotel fitness center. No idea what kind of pace to go on the machine, so this week could be kind of a shit show. I’ll make due with what is available though. Eventually settled on a resistance of 19 and went a total of 4.02 miles. Good quad 🔥.


7-5-3 w/ 10 second holds

  • Curl-ups
  • Side Planks
  • Bird dogs

This is definitely boring work, but I can feel all the muscles working, so I hope it’ll pay off.