Been a Long Week

Yesterday I walked 18 holes. As expected, my legs got sore from the squatting. My back was really tight from the C&J and all of the deadlifts, so I’m staying away from the weights for a couple of days. I was tired after mowing the lawn during lunch, so I waited until around 4pm to head out to the garage.

Year of the Engine – Rocket Race

10 Rounds

  • 2:00 Row
  • 1:00 Rest

A month and a half ago I averaged 1:46.6 for 12 rounds of this. My WHOOP recovery is 33% for today and it’s been a long week at work with many days online until 9pm, so I wasn’t going for any PRs. Just get in the work, even though it’s only 10 rounds. I got from 551 to 554 meters.
