The Banded March

Last night I think I was already starting to feel some effects of spending an hour on the Airdyne. The front of my ankles were getting tight again and my right knee was feeling a bit weird. My back is starting to feel better today, but had to skip out on golf.


8 Rounds (Tabata)

  • 20s Push-up
  • 10s Rest

I did 6 sets of 11, then 9, and finished with 8. For the sets of 11 I should have been doing 6-5 instead of 11 unbroken because I had a lot of rest time each set. It was all I had to squeeze out 9 and 8 on the final 2 rounds.


  • 4×15 DB Curls (20#)
  • 100 Bench Press (45#)

I did the bench presses in 1:39 with short pauses at the top after 67 and 93 reps. Never set the bar down, which I was not expecting to be able to do.

The Banded March

I’ve been wanting to try this for a long time. Since I can’t handle loading my spine, I thought it would be a good way to work my lower body. I put a green band around pegs at the bottom of my rig and hooked up my dip belt. Held a 20# medicine ball at my chest and went for 5:00. Would be fun to try with my new 100# sandbag when my back recovers.


  • 5:00 Airdyne
  • 5:00 Rest
  • 5:00 Airdyne

I started out at 85 RPM. My legs were dying 2 minutes in so my pace slowly kept fading. Maybe I should have rested more after the march, because it felt like the lactic acid built up really fast. Managed to get 170 calories. On the second round I started at 78 RPM for 2+ minutes, picked up to 82 for a minute or two, then kicked it up with a minute left, and brought it home in the least 30 seconds. Got exactly 170 calories again. Not great on either interval considering I can do 340+ in 10 minutes.