Bad But Not Terrible

I had to skip out on the golf outing. Could barely walk in the morning and sitting in the car for over an hour wouldn’t help. It’s the afternoon and I still can’t stand in a golf stance, but my back has loosened up a lot compared to this morning, so it’s nowhere near as bad as the tweak I did during the Open. I’ve started using an aide for helping to realign the spine. Hopefully it helps.

Figured I might as well get back to some bench pressing today. Was going to make it the first day of a cycle of the No B.S. Bench Press program I’ve had great success with before. It’s a nice program because it’s only 1 workout per week. It starts off with a base number and then week through the program adds to that base number with different rep and set schemes. I picked 225# for my base number.

Bench Press

  • 10×45#
  • 10×95
  • 5×135
  • 5×185
  • 5×205
  • 5×225
  • 4x5x205

After the first set of 225 was rough (I could also feel some stress on my back) I made the executive decision to back off for the 4 other sets and also skip the max rep set. So maybe I won’t count today as the first week of the program.


30 Rounds

  • 30s Airdyne (Fast)
  • 30s Airdyne (Slow)

Put on my headphones and watched the CrossFit Games Clean Ladder live while doing this. Ended up going 10.49 miles (785 cal).