Barbells for Boobs

2013-989-crossfit-barbells-for-boobsWent out to 989 CrossFit this morning for the Barbells for Boobs event. It was a partner workout that Kevin and I paired up for.

“Helen” meets “Grace”

  • 3 Rounds
    • 400m Run
    • 21 KBS (53#)
    • 12 Pull-ups
  • 30 C&J (135#)

Both team members run together, but split up the rest however you want. I did the first round of KBS and then the 2nd and 3rd rounds of pull-ups. Kevin obviously did the opposite movements in those rounds. I think I went 7-6-4, all touch-n-go on my C&J. The 400m runs had to be a little short because the top team did their first run in a minute. We finished in 9:26, tied for 2nd place, but a full minute behind the first place team, who destroyed the runs. In a 1 round Rowling tiebreaker, I did 106m against the other teams 105m, so we officially took 3rd place. It was a really fun event, especially since it was for such a great cause.

I jumped on the rower for 5 minutes to cool down.
