Shoulder Annihilation

Feeling pretty good this morning. Out in the garage at 10:30 to finish up the Hybrid Performance Method Push Only program. Warmed up with 5 minutes on the Airdyne, which was about 1.26 miles. I prepared a bit this morning and referenced How to Warm Up for a One-Rep Max on T Nation. The example for 185# was pretty much exactly what I needed since my previous best was a 180# shoulder press.

Shoulder Press

  • 10×45#
  • 8×95
  • 5×115
  • 3×135
  • 1×155
  • 1×170
  • 1×182.5 (PR)
  • 1×187.5 (Fail)
  • 1×185 (PR)
  • 1×187.5 (Fail)

Crazy how much of a difference two and a half pounds can make. So I ended up with a 5# PR. I was really hoping for 187.5 or more, but from previous programs I know how hard it is to increase the shoulder press.

I skipped the pull-up and accessory work so I could test a couple of other things and destroy my shoulders! Done with Push Only!! I’ll do a full recap/review post, probably on my main blog to share with a wider audience.

Update: posted Hybrid Performance Method – Push Only Program.


After the big surprise when I tested my strict set about a week ago, I also wanted to get in a kipping test. I was able to get 23 for a 9 rep PR, which is almost a 65% improvement!

According to BTWB, my rankings on the HSPU max sets are an 82 for this one and a 76 for the strict set of 17. I would have expected those to be the opposite.


Strength Endurance / Conditioning

  • 100 Bench Press (135#)

I’d done this once, back in December of 2015 in a time of 9:37. I did it by hitting 5 reps every 30 seconds and then switching to sets of 3s after 85. I set an interval timer on my phone for 25 second rounds. Made it through 13 sets (65 reps) on pace at 5:10 on the clock. Then I changed to sets of 3 at shorter intervals and a final set of 2. Took me 8:43 today for a 54 second PR.

Here’s a compilation video from the day I made to share on Facebook with the bench press at 8x speed instead of 2x.


Published by

Nick Momrik

I'm searching for my first hole-in-one. I enjoy being active and making things. I work for Automattic.

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