Company CrossFit

I organized a private class at CrossFit Park City again this year for Automattic‘s Grand Meetup out here in Park City, UT. Kenzie and Doug coached the class and once again it reinforced that it’s the best box I’ve been to. After they gave an introduction to what CrossFit is all about we got into it…


2 Rounds

  • 50 Lateral Hops (over crack)
  • 10 Air Squats
  • 10 Spidermans

We also did some movement prep for the workout with a PVC and then empty bar.


12:00 AMRAP (Teams of 3, one person per movement)

  • 10 Thrusters (95#)
  • 10 Burpees
  • 200m Run (Pace setter)

So you got some rest while you waited for the runner to get back in. Teamed up with Jeremy and Simon. I got through 3 times and just had the run to go in the 4th. Surprised how well I handled the altitude, so the hiking must have adjusted me pretty quickly.

We cooled down with some stretching.

Went out for a hike after lunch. Ended up being a long one. Went 5.02 miles with an elevation increase of 1,300 feet and it took us 2:49:48. My hips are on fire from all of the hiking the yesterday’s run. The views areĀ  pretty amazing at this time of year though.